Up to 50% financing Logbook Loans against the vehicles market value

Using your vehicle(s) Logbook as security First Capital Ltd offers you a one of a kind logbook loan where you use your car to access to credit. We consider the vehicles current market value and finance up to 50% of it.

We provide customized interest rates based on the repayment plan and the amount borrowed.

You simply need to own a car and you are eligible for this loan type. Those who own private, commercial, or passenger vehicles are also legible.This is because the car secures the debt granted while considering the vehicle’s depreciation value over time.

Get between 1 to 12 months to repay your existing logbook loan. Typically, you can choose your preferred period within the timeframe to repay the principal amount plus interest rates. Borrowers can settle the debt before the period specified elapses without any penalties as it is also an effective method of repaying loans on logbook.

Financing solutions for different clients. Those in the matatu sector, lorries, taxi services (i.e. uber) financing in Kenya. First Capital Ltd provides solutions for both used and new cars purchased locally from either dealerships or showrooms.

Logbook Loans

Logbook Loan Application

Personal Information.

Vehicle Details

How Much Are You Borrowing

The information provided in this application shall not be shared to anyone else and is kept confidential